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Our Story and Our Members

Working Towards a Better Tomorrow

In April, 1981, co-founders, Sarah Brown, Ruth Evans and Davetta Madison,  began the formation of a new non-profit organization. The organization was called “The Emanons”.  

The membership roster included the founders and seven new members.


Davetta Madison was the first president.  She was succeeded by Charter Member Naomi Waddleton; and, Naomi was succeeded by Charter Member Arlillian Navy.


In 1987, The Emanons was incorporated.  As a non-profit charitable and educational organization, we continue to promote and conduct cultural, educational and civic programs to bring about change for the betterment of the community; as well as

to aid and improve the economic conditions of the disadvantaged.


We are a 501(c)(3) Public Charity organization




2024-2026 OFFICERS


Leslie Chavis, President 

Veronica Davis, 1st Vice President

Constance Davis, 2nd Vice President

Shantae Birton, Recording Secretary

June Clayburn, Corresponding Secretary 

Karen Whitehead, Financial Secretary

Vanessa Lamb, Treasurer

Beatrice Gaines, Historian 

Diane Baxter, Parliamentarian 




Karen Johnson

Linda Payne

Linda Sutton

Frances Watts-Henry

Charlene West

Pam Williams

Jamila Woods


About: About Us
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